**DOTCSS+JS 2017 Conference Retro** Notes on dotCSS + dotJS in Paris 2017. NeXT DOT =============================================================================== korting code next conf: **DOT**. DOTCSS =============================================================================== @frivoal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The slides of my #dotcss talk on Media Queries 4 are at https://florian.rivoal.net/talks/mq4/#/ notes by simon wuyts https://twitter.com/simonwuyts https://medium.com/@simonwuyts/two-days-of-creative-code-a-thank-you-note-37a528447bf3 Slides by @pixelastic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - building a search engine in CSS - --- http://talks.pixelastic.com/slides/hacking-css-dotcss-2017/#/ - --- don't do this at home Words by @akdetrick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *"Static documentation is a lie waiting to happen"* - -- fix static documentation: https://twitter.com/atomrc/status/936252565012049921 Laurence Penney @Lorp, author of @axis_praxis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - play with variable fonts in the browser - http://www.axis-praxis.org/specimens/__DEFAULT__ (vivaldi freezes) - https://twitter.com/ecarriou/status/936275792128077827 - sketch notes https://twitter.com/teltploek/status/936285090207928326 - Look at this *galloping* font by @axis_praxis #dotjs highlights http://bit.ly/2BIICb0 @bdc CSS dev @Stripe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/bdc Element Stylesheets looks promising! I would like that in terms of optimal UX and DX interoperability. Thanks to Ryan Tsao aka @rtsao for his talk about Compilers at @dotCSS #dotCSS #sketchnotes https://twitter.com/teltploek/status/936233893581279233 DOTJS =============================================================================== Marcy Sutton #A11Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - enable focus remove _outline:0; from css - WICG/inert - use buttons! div \> button - use tabIndex - axe.coconut - CI with axe webdriver Slides for my #dotJS talk, Enabling Users in Client-Rendered Applications: https://marcysutton.github.io/enabling-users Intentionally broken demo app: https://github.com/marcysutton/a11y-demo-app - --- In this demo - Chrome Accessibility Debugger - https://bit.ly/chrome-a11y - WICG Inert - https://github.com/WICG/inert - aXe Coconut Extension - https://bit.ly/axe-coconut - aXe-WebdriverJS - https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-webdriverJS - --- A11y Resources - Deque University - https://dequeuniversity.com - Egghead.io Accessibility Course - http://bit.ly/egghead-a11y - Notes on Client-Rendered Accessibility - http://bit.ly/client-rendered-a11y - What Input - https://github.com/ten1seven/what-input Web Bos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - axios.fetch - async - await Trent Willis @trentmwillis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Quunit - + A11Y :: axe-core - + Performance -- ember macro benchmark - + Necess - use chrome --headless with puppeteer (and devtools protocol) for code coverage over time - npm puppeteer - The future is #A11Y - Qunit in Browser Suz Hinton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - #A11Y emoji - accessibleicon.org + insta guerilla art - http://accessibleicon.org/ - http://accessibleicon.org/#use - + Sara Hendren, Glemrey - adopted by apple: - https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/72/apple/118/wheelchair-symbol_267f.png - https://emojipedia.org/wheelchair-symbol/ - humachine -- cyborg - instead of bitcoin mining, **ask What if?** - XSS+ML =\> insta-caption - #twitch hardware hackers - Seti@Home @Feross ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - load flash setting in iframe =\> activate cam - filldisk - ActiveX \ - --> window.moveTo() - | #SOP - --> window.open() - superlogout.com - nodeFu (multipart/form-data saving to disk made easy. using MongoDB.) @swiip LUX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSR Elena Vilchik 4- <4+1 > = Mims Wright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Brasil Raphael da Silva ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUNDSLICE - Arjan Holovaty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - \/'< **NO FRAMEWORK** \> - Think for yourself - Think PATTERNS - vanilla JS - DJANGO Python - NEXT Service Workers @wa7son Watson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VOLKSWAGEN.PASSED ***** - ADS-B - RTL283U - chip - - watson/planespotter - greatscottgadgets.com/sdr - npm -i monsterdrift - || webusb || 3 / talks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - / - Stan Vilchik >>> dotjs-linter - Typescript - RISTOVSKI - GRAPHQL \\\ #1 \\\ STATE Management - DATA - |_ context _| - @kitze - 3 MICHIGAN -> GPU - Suby Raman - WEBGL Sean Larkin WEBPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 4 NeW - RC -> R - 1 month Slack : educational lic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - levels.io slack export interface Brendan Eichmann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lookup wikipedia: Jan van den Beld #ECMA Tom Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Glimmer VM - try.glimmerjs.com - http://try.glimmerjs.com/ -- FAST BY DEFAULT EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: @tnkrd 20171213 15:29